John Barber

 Chairman of Education

The Educaton Chairman and appointed committee shall assist the Pastor in the supervision of the entire education activities with the aim to maintain, foster and stimulate interest in the Christian training of the congregation.

Concern himself with the policies and performances of the Sunday school and Bible classes, confirmation instruction classes, Adult education, Youth work and part-time agencies such as the Vacation Bible School.

Oversee the selection of curriculum and teacher materials.

Help to choose the administrative and teaching staffs and encourage all members and their families to make full use of the congregation's program of Christian education.

With the pastor, look for ways to enhance the area of Christian education and familiarity with the Bible, planning retreats, special seminars and events; securing outside speakers when appropriate; and attending such events in other locales, when feasible.

Ensure that any planned event involving children is scheduled and supervised, along with sufficient volunteer help.

By grace are you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8,9