Don Sweetman

 Chairman of Outreach

The Evangelism Chairman shall be responsible for the preparation of a map of the area which the congregaton serves indicationg the residences of all members of the congregation and perspective members.

The development of a "prospect file".

A program of training lay visitors for Evangelism calls or canvassing.

Together with the Education Chairman develop a program that will deepen the Bible study and prayer life of the members of the congregation.

Responsible for the integration of new members.

Concern himself with the develpment of a good program of public relations by the congregation toward the Community.

Give special study and attention to the area of child and youth evangelism in the congregation.

Planning events that would encourage our members to invite their friends to attend. To oversee the planning and development of all fellowship activities sponsored by the congregation.

By grace are you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8,9